We had a couple of mysterious happenings this morning at church and it got me to thinking about how much fun they can be and how much I enjoy them.
Yes I know there are plenty of bad mysteries out there but today I'm talking about the fun ones - like who gave you the anonymous Valentine's card, where exactly is Noah's ark or, like what happened to Pastor Wes this morning, who washed your car for you while you weren't looking!? It's a mystery!
I think the best mystery for me is what exactly heaven is going to be like and look like. I try to picture my loved ones who have already gone there, walking the streets of gold, and I just can't. Yes I know that John does his best to try and describe it to us in his book of Revelation but I seriously doubt that his words do it justice. Not for me anyway.
So I guess, for now, I'll just have to live with the wonderful, delicious mystery!
But let me tell you something wonderful,
a mystery I'll probably never fully understand.
We're not all going to die - but we are all going to be changed.
You hear a blast to end all blasts from a trumpet,
and in the time that you look up and blink your eyes - it's over!
I Corinthians 15:51 (The Message)